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Fly is a hosting platform that enables running server applications and databases with a focus on edge computing. See their website for more information.


Commands specified in this document are subject to Fly's pricing, make sure you understand it properly before continuing.

Signing up

If you don't have an account, you will need to create one.

Installing flyctl

The main way you interact with Fly is by using the dedicated CLI tool, flyctl, which you'll need to install.


brew install flyctl


curl -L | sh

Other install options

For more options and details, see the flyctl installation docs.

Logging in

To log in from your terminal, run the following command:

fly auth login

Configuring your Vapor project

Before deploying to Fly, you must make sure you have a Vapor project with an adequately configured Dockerfile, since it's required by Fly to build your app. In most cases, this should be very easy since the default Vapor templates already contain one.

New Vapor project

To easiest way to create a new project is to start with a template. You can create one using GitHub templates or the Vapor toolbox. If you need a database, it is recommended to use Fluent with Postgres; Fly makes it easy to create a Postgres database to connect your apps to (see the dedicated section below).

Using the Vapor toolbox

First, ensure you have installed the Vapor toolbox (see install the instructions for macOS or Linux). Create your new app with the following command, replacing app-name with the app name you desire:

vapor new app-name

This command will display an interactive prompt that will let you configure your Vapor project, this is where you can select Fluent and Postgres if you need them.

Using GitHub templates

Choose the template that best suits your needs in the following list. You can either clone it locally using Git or create a GitHub project with the "Use this template" button.

Existing Vapor project

If you have an existing Vapor project, make sure you have a properly configured Dockerfile present at the root of your directory; the Vapor docs about using Docker and Fly docs about deploying an app via a Dockerfile might come in handy.

Launch your app on Fly

Once your Vapor project is ready, you can launch it on Fly.

First, make sure your current directory is set to the root directory of your Vapor application and run the following command:

fly launch

This will start an interactive prompt to configure your Fly application settings:

  • Name: you can type one or keep it blank to get an automatically generated name.
  • Region: the default is the one that's the closest to you. You can choose to use it or any other in the list. This is easy to change later.
  • Database: you can ask Fly to create a database to use with your app. If you prefer, you can always do the same later with the fly pg create and fly pg attach commands (see the Configuring Postgres section for more details).

The fly launch command automatically creates a fly.toml file. It contains settings such as private/public port mappings, health checks parameters, and many others. If you just created a new project from scratch using vapor new, the default fly.toml file needs no changes. If you have an existing project, chances are fly.toml might also be ok with no or minor changes only. You can find more information in the fly.toml docs.

Note that if you request Fly to create a database, you will have to wait a bit for it to be created and pass health checks.

Before exiting, the fly launch command will ask you if you would like to deploy your app immediately. You can accept it or do it later using fly deploy.


When your current directory is in your app's root, the fly CLI tool automatically detects the presence of a fly.toml file which lets Fly know which app your commands are targetting. If you want to target a specific app no matter your current directory, you can append -a name-of-your-app to most Fly commands.


You run the fly deploy command whenever you need to deploy new changes to Fly.

Fly reads your directory's Dockerfile and fly.toml files to determine how to build and run your Vapor project.

Once your container is built, Fly starts an instance of it. It will run various health checks, ensuring your application is running fine and your server responds to requests. The fly deploy command exits with an error if health checks fail.

By default, Fly will roll back to the latest working version of your app if health checks fail for the new version you attempted to deploy.

Configuring Postgres

Creating a Postgres database on Fly

If you didn't create a database app when you first launched your app, you can do it later using:

fly pg create

This command creates a Fly app that will be able to host databases available to your other apps on Fly, see the dedicated Fly docs for more details.

Once your database app is created, go to your Vapor app's root directory and run:

fly pg attach name-of-your-postgres-app

If you don't know the name of your Postgres app, you can find it with fly pg list.

The fly pg attach command creates a database and user destined to your app, and then exposes it to your app through the DATABASE_URL environment variable.


The difference between fly pg create and fly pg attach is that the former allocates and configures a Fly app that will be able to host Postgres databases, while the latter creates an actual database and user destined to the app of your choice. Provided it suits your requirements, a single Postgres Fly app could host multiple databases used by various apps. When you ask Fly to create a database app in fly launch, it does the equivalent of calling both fly pg create and fly pg attach.

Connecting your Vapor app to the database

Once your app is attached to your database, Fly sets the DATABASE_URL environment variable to the connection URL that contains your credentials (it should be treated as sensitive information).

With most common Vapor project setups, you configure your database in configure.swift. Here's how you might want to do this:

if let databaseURL = Environment.get("DATABASE_URL") {
    try app.databases.use(.postgres(url: databaseURL), as: .psql)
} else {
    // Handle missing DATABASE_URL here...
    // Alternatively, you could also set a different config 
    // depending on wether app.environment is set to to 
    // `.development` or `.production`

At this point, your project should be ready to run migrations and use the database.

Running migrations

With fly.toml's release_command, you can ask Fly to run a certain command before running your main server process. Add this to fly.toml:

 release_command = "migrate -y"


The code snippet above assumes you are using the default Vapor Dockerfile which sets your app ENTRYPOINT to ./App. Concretely, this means that when you set release_command to migrate -y, Fly will call ./App migrate -y. If your ENTRYPOINT is set to a different value, you will need to adapt the value of release_command.

Fly will run your release command in a temporary instance that has access to your internal Fly network, secrets, and environment variables.

If your release command fails, the deployment won't continue.

Other databases

While Fly makes it easy to create a Postgres database app, it is possible to host other types of databases as well (for instance, see "Use a MySQL database" in the Fly Docs).

Secrets and environment variables


Use secrets to set any sensitive values as environment variables.



Keep in mind that most shells keep an history of the commands you typed. Be cautious about this when setting secrets this way. Some shells can be configured to not remember commands that are prefixed by a whitespace. See also the fly secrets import command.

For more information, see the documentation of fly secrets.

Environment variables

You can set other non-sensitive environment variables in fly.toml, for instance:

  SMS_LOG_LEVEL = "error"

SSH connection

You can connect to an app's instances using:

fly ssh console -s

Checking the logs

You can check your app's live logs using:

fly logs

Next steps

Now that your Vapor app is deployed, there is a lot more you can do such as scaling your apps vertically and horizontally across multiple regions, adding persistent volumes, setting up continuous deployment, or even creating distributed app clusters. The best place to learn how to do all of this and more is the Fly docs.