콘텐츠로 이동


Redis is one of the most popular in-memory data structure store commonly used as a cache or message broker.

This library is an integration between Vapor and RediStack, which is the underlying driver that communicates with Redis.


Most of the capabilities of Redis are provided by RediStack. We highly recommend being familiar with its documentation.

Links are provided where appropriate.


The first step to using Redis is adding it as a dependency to your project in your Swift package manifest.

This example is for an existing package. For help on starting a new project, see the main Getting Started guide.

dependencies: [
    // ...
    .package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/redis.git", from: "4.0.0")
// ...
targets: [
    .target(name: "App", dependencies: [
        // ...
        .product(name: "Redis", package: "redis")


Vapor employs a pooling strategy for RedisConnection instances, and there are several options to configure individual connections as well as the pools themselves.

The bare minimum required for configuring Redis is to provide a URL to connect to:

let app = Application()

app.redis.configuration = try RedisConfiguration(hostname: "localhost")

Redis Configuration

API Documentation: RedisConfiguration


If you have multiple Redis endpoints, such as a cluster of Redis instances, you'll want to create a [SocketAddress] collection to pass in the initializer instead.

The most common way of creating a SocketAddress is with the makeAddressResolvingHost(_:port:) static method.

let serverAddresses: [SocketAddress] = [
  try .makeAddressResolvingHost("localhost", port: RedisConnection.Configuration.defaultPort)

For a single Redis endpoint, it can be easier to work with the convenience initializers, as it will handle creating the SocketAddress for you:


If your Redis instance is secured by a password, you will need to pass it as the password argument.

Each connection, as it is created, will be authenticated using the password.


This is the database index you wish to select when each connection is created.

This saves you from having to send the SELECT command to Redis yourself.


The database selection is not maintained. Be careful with sending the SELECT command on your own.

Connection Pool Options

API Documentation: RedisConfiguration.PoolOptions


Only the most commonly changed options are highlighted here. For all of the options, refer to the API documentation.


This is the value to set how many connections you want each pool to maintain at all times.

If you value is 0 then if connections are lost for any reason, the pool will not recreate them until needed.

This is known as a "cold start" connection, and does have some overhead over maintaining a minimum connection count.


This option determines the behavior of how the maximum connection count is maintained.


Refer to the RedisConnectionPoolSize API to be familiar with what options are available.

Sending a Command

You can send commands using the .redis property on any Application or Request instance, which will give you access to a RedisClient.

Any RedisClient has several extensions for all of the various Redis commands.

let value = try app.redis.get("my_key", as: String.self).wait()
// Optional("my_value")

// or

let value = try await app.redis.get("my_key", as: String.self)
// Optional("my_value")

Unsupported Commands

Should RediStack not support a command with an extension method, you can still send it manually.

// each value after the command is the positional argument that Redis expects
try app.redis.send(command: "PING", with: ["hello"])
    .map {
// "hello"

// or

let res = try await app.redis.send(command: "PING", with: ["hello"])
// "hello"

Pub/Sub Mode

Redis supports the ability to enter a "Pub/Sub" mode where a connection can listen to specific "channels" and run specific closures when the subscribed channels publish a "message" (some data value).

There is a defined lifecycle to a subscription:

  1. subscribe: invoked once when the subscription first starts
  2. message: invoked 0+ times as messages are published to the subscribed channels
  3. unsubscribe: invoked once when the subscription ends, either by request or the connection being lost

When you create a subscription, you must provide at least a messageReceiver to handle all messages that are published by the subscribed channel.

You can optionally provide a RedisSubscriptionChangeHandler for onSubscribe and onUnsubscribe to handle their respective lifecycle events.

// creates 2 subscriptions, one for each given channel
  to: "channel_1", "channel_2",
  messageReceiver: { channel, message in
    switch channel {
    case "channel_1": // do something with the message
    default: break
  onUnsubscribe: { channel, subscriptionCount in
    print("unsubscribed from \(channel)")
    print("subscriptions remaining: \(subscriptionCount)")