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Folder Structure

Now that you've created, built, and run your first Vapor app, let's take a moment to familiarize you with Vapor's folder structure. The structure is based on SPM's folder structure, so if you've worked with SPM before it should be familiar.

├── Public
├── Sources
│   ├── App
│   │   ├── Controllers
│   │   ├── Migrations
│   │   ├── Models
│   │   ├── configure.swift 
│   │   ├── entrypoint.swift
│   │   └── routes.swift
├── Tests
│   └── AppTests
└── Package.swift

The sections below explain each part of the folder structure in more detail.


This folder contains any public files that will be served by your app if FileMiddleware is enabled. This is usually images, style sheets, and browser scripts. For example, a request to localhost:8080/favicon.ico will check to see if Public/favicon.ico exists and return it.

You will need to enable FileMiddleware in your configure.swift file before Vapor can serve public files.

// Serves files from `Public/` directory
let fileMiddleware = FileMiddleware(


This folder contains all of the Swift source files for your project. The top level folder, App, reflect your package's module, as declared in the SwiftPM manifest.


This is where all of your application logic goes.


Controllers are great way of grouping together application logic. Most controllers have many functions that accept a request and return some sort of response.


The migrations folder is where your database migrations go if you are using Fluent.


The models folder is a great place to store your Content structs or Fluent Models.


This file contains the configure(_:) function. This method is called by entrypoint.swift to configure the newly created Application. This is where you should register services like routes, databases, providers, and more.


This file contains the @main entry point for the application that sets up, configures and runs your Vapor application.


This file contains the routes(_:) function. This method is called near the end of configure(_:) to register routes to your Application.


Each non-executable module in your Sources folder can have a corresponding folder in Tests. This contains code built on the XCTest module for testing your package. Tests can be run using swift test on the command line or pressing ⌘+U in Xcode.


This folder contains the unit tests for code in your App module.


Finally is SPM's package manifest.