Vapor's Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) API makes it easy to authenticate and send push notifications to Apple devices. It's built on top of APNSwift.
Getting Started¶
Let's take a look at how you can get started using APNS.
The first step to using APNS is adding the package to your dependencies.
// swift-tools-version:5.8
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "my-app",
dependencies: [
// Other dependencies...
.package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/apns.git", from: "4.0.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
// Other dependencies...
.product(name: "VaporAPNS", package: "apns")
// Other targets...
If you edit the manifest directly inside Xcode, it will automatically pick up the changes and fetch the new dependency when the file is saved. Otherwise, from Terminal, run swift package resolve
to fetch the new dependency.
The APNS module adds a new property apns
to Application
. To send push notifications, you will need to set the configuration
property with your credentials.
import APNS
import VaporAPNS
import APNSCore
// Configure APNS using JWT authentication.
let apnsConfig = APNSClientConfiguration(
authenticationMethod: .jwt(
privateKey: try .loadFrom(string: "<#key.p8 content#>"),
keyIdentifier: "<#key identifier#>",
teamIdentifier: "<#team identifier#>"
environment: .development
eventLoopGroupProvider: .shared(app.eventLoopGroup),
responseDecoder: JSONDecoder(),
requestEncoder: JSONEncoder(),
as: .default
Fill in the placeholders with your credentials. The above example shows JWT-based auth using the .p8
key you get from Apple's developer portal. For TLS-based auth with a certificate, use the .tls
authentication method:
authenticationMethod: .tls(
privateKeyPath: <#path to private key#>,
pemPath: <#path to pem file#>,
pemPassword: <#optional pem password#>
Once APNS is configured, you can send push notifications using apns.send
method on Application
or Request
// Custom Codable Payload
struct Payload: Codable {
let acme1: String
let acme2: Int
// Create push notification Alert
let dt = "70075697aa918ebddd64efb165f5b9cb92ce095f1c4c76d995b384c623a258bb"
let payload = Payload(acme1: "hey", acme2: 2)
let alert = APNSAlertNotification(
alert: .init(
title: .raw("Hello"),
subtitle: .raw("This is a test from vapor/apns")
expiration: .immediately,
priority: .immediately,
topic: "<#my topic#>",
payload: payload
// Send the notification
try! await req.apns.client.sendAlertNotification(
deviceToken: dt,
deadline: .distantFuture
Use req.apns
whenever you are inside of a route handler.
// Sends a push notification.
app.get("test-push") { req async throws -> HTTPStatus in
try await req.apns.client.send(...)
return .ok
The first parameter accepts the push notification alert and the second parameter is the target device token.
is the actual metadata of the push notification alert to send. More details on the specifics of each property are provided here. They follow a one-to-one naming scheme listed in Apple's documentation.
let alert = APNSAlertNotification(
alert: .init(
title: .raw("Hello"),
subtitle: .raw("This is a test from vapor/apns")
expiration: .immediately,
priority: .immediately,
topic: "<#my topic#>",
payload: payload
This type can be passed directly to the send
Custom Notification Data¶
Apple provides engineers with the ability to add custom payload data to each notification. In order to facilitate this we accept Codable
conformance to the payload parameter on all send
// Custom Codable Payload
struct Payload: Codable {
let acme1: String
let acme2: Int
More Information¶
For more information on available methods, see APNSwift's README.