콘텐츠로 이동


Middleware is a logic chain between the client and a Vapor route handler. It allows you to perform operations on incoming requests before they get to the route handler and on outgoing responses before they go to the client.


Middleware can be registered globally (on every route) in configure(_:) using app.middleware.


You can also add middleware to individual routes using route groups.

let group = app.grouped(MyMiddleware())
group.get("foo") { req in
    // This request has passed through MyMiddleware.


The order in which middleware are added is important. Requests coming into your application will go through the middleware in the order they are added. Responses leaving your application will go back through the middleware in reverse order. Route-specific middleware always runs after application middleware. Take the following example:


app.group(MiddlewareC()) {
    $0.get("hello") { req in
        "Hello, middleware."

A request to GET /hello will visit middleware in the following order:

Request → A → B → C → Handler → C → B → A → Response

Middleware can be prepended as well, which is useful when you want to add a middleware before the default middleware vapor adds automatically:

app.middleware.use(someMiddleware, at: .beginning)

Creating a Middleware

Vapor ships with a few useful middlewares, but you might need to create your own because of the requirements of your application. For example you could create a middleware that prevents any non-admin user from accessing a group of routes.

We recommend creating a Middleware folder inside your Sources/App directory to keep your code organised

Middleware are types that conform to Vapor's Middleware or AsyncMiddleware protocol. They are inserted into the responder chain and can access and manipulate a request before it reaches a route handler and access and manipulate a response before it is returned.

Using the example mentioned above, create a middleware to block access to the user if they're not an admin:

import Vapor

struct EnsureAdminUserMiddleware: Middleware {
    func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {
        guard let user = request.auth.get(User.self), user.role == .admin else {
            return request.eventLoop.future(error: Abort(.unauthorized))
        return next.respond(to: request)

Or if using async/await you can write:

import Vapor

struct EnsureAdminUserMiddleware: AsyncMiddleware {
    func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: AsyncResponder) async throws -> Response {
        guard let user = request.auth.get(User.self), user.role == .admin else {
            throw Abort(.unauthorized)
        return try await next.respond(to: request)

If you want to modify the response, for example to add a custom header, you can use a middleware for this too. Middlewares can wait until the response is received from the responder chain and manipulate the response:

import Vapor

struct AddVersionHeaderMiddleware: Middleware {
    func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: Responder) -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {
        next.respond(to: request).map { response in
            response.headers.add(name: "My-App-Version", value: "v2.5.9")
            return response

Or if using async/await you can write:

import Vapor

struct AddVersionHeaderMiddleware: AsyncMiddleware {
    func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: AsyncResponder) async throws -> Response {
        let response = try await next.respond(to: request)
        response.headers.add(name: "My-App-Version", value: "v2.5.9")
        return response

File Middleware

FileMiddleware enables the serving of assets from the Public folder of your project to the client. You might include static files like stylesheets or bitmap images here.

let file = FileMiddleware(publicDirectory: app.directory.publicDirectory)

Once FileMiddleware is registered, a file like Public/images/logo.png can be linked from a Leaf template as <img src="/images/logo.png"/>.

If your server is contained in an Xcode Project, such as an iOS app, use this instead:

let file = try FileMiddleware(bundle: .main, publicDirectory: "Public")

Also make sure to use Folder References instead of Groups in Xcode to maintain folder structure in resources after building the application.

CORS Middleware

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the first resource was served. REST APIs built in Vapor will require a CORS policy in order to safely return requests to modern web browsers.

An example configuration could look something like this:

let corsConfiguration = CORSMiddleware.Configuration(
    allowedOrigin: .all,
    allowedMethods: [.GET, .POST, .PUT, .OPTIONS, .DELETE, .PATCH],
    allowedHeaders: [.accept, .authorization, .contentType, .origin, .xRequestedWith, .userAgent, .accessControlAllowOrigin]
let cors = CORSMiddleware(configuration: corsConfiguration)
// cors middleware should come before default error middleware using `at: .beginning`
app.middleware.use(cors, at: .beginning)

Given that thrown errors are immediately returned to the client, the CORSMiddleware must be listed before the ErrorMiddleware. Otherwise, the HTTP error response will be returned without CORS headers, and cannot be read by the browser.